By Dr. Sirisha Potluri
The potent nutritional benefits of sesame seeds include their ability to prevent cancer, improve heart health, lower blood pressure, build strong bones, improve male fertility, and prevent diabetes. They are a Good Source of Fiber too.
Ingredients :
- Sesame seeds or powder – 1.5 cups
- Almonds or almond powder – 10 almonds
- Flaxseed powder – 1 tablespoon
- Dates or date sugar or date syrup
- Almond milk(2 tbsp.) ( if using date paste we don’t need almond milk, cardamom powder for flavor.

- Dry roast sesame seeds and almonds
- For 1 1/2 cup of sesame seeds, we need 10 almonds, I added 1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder.
- Grind them separately and mix them.
- We have to grind almonds coarsely so that, that nutty texture comes.
- Mix everything and make Ladoos. You can roll them in almond flour or coconut flour.