Growing Micro Greens at Home

By Dr.Sirisha Potluri:

Micro greens Materials Needed and Step by Step processes.

  1. Organic broccoli seeds ( ordered from Amazon)
  2. Organic coconut coir ( available on Walmart)
  3. Micro Green trays ( Amazon)
  4. Apple cider vinegar ( helps to clean seeds to prevent any mold or bacteria forming)
  5. Spray bottle
  6. Water can
  7. Water
  8. Steel strainer with very fine mesh to wash the seeds, that way we don’t loose any seeds while washing ( like a tea strainer we use.
  9. Spoon with holes helps to spread the seeds evenly on soil.

    For 7 trays I use approximately 3-4 Tbs of broccoli seeds.
  10. Soak 3-4 Tbs of broccoli seeds in a mixture of 2 Tbs of apple cider vinegar and 2Tbs of water for 30 minutes.
  11. After 30 minutes wash the seeds 3-4 times in the steel strainer under running water, so that we don’t loose any seeds.
  12. Soak the seeds in water for a day or overnight make sure to wash them thoroughly.
  13. prepare the soil and keep it ready ( coconut coir) it comes as dry block, according to the instructions, we have to add water so it will expand and look like soil.
  14. Next day keep the trays ready
  15. Now add the soil to the tray, to almost the top just leaving 1-2 inches space.
  16. Water the soil evenly, just to make it wet( this helps seeds to stick well)
  17. Now strain the soaked broccoli seeds into the steel strainer and carefully add 1 -2 Tsps of seeds on each tray filled with soil.
  18. Evenly spread the seeds in the soil so that the micro greens are not crowded at one place.
  19. Spreading the seeds will take time and patience, it’s like applying frosting on the cake.
  20. Now cover the seeds with soil, very lightly, and carefully just to black out the seeds! Adding too much soil will make it hard and longer for seeds to come out as sprouts.
  21. Water the soil just to dampen not too much.
  22. After watering if you see any seeds not covered with soil, add tiny amounts of soil just to black out the seeds.
  23. Don’t expose these trays to direct sunlight until we see sprouts coming out ( it will take 2-3 days for that)
  24. Keep watering once a day and make sure the soil is not too dry.
  25. Overwatering is also not good as it will create mold, so be careful while watering.
  26. On 3rd to 4th day we will see sprouts, now we can expose them to sunlight or indoor lights.
  27. Water them once a day and expose them to indirect sunlight for 2-3 hours if possible.
  28. We can keep them outside in our backyard if there is a covered space.
  29. Make sure to keep them indoors at night,if temperatures are cold.
  30. It is a good idea to put an extra tray under if you are keeping them indoors- to prevent water leakage.
  31. I always keep micro green trays on high surfaces to prevent dust and bugs falling on them.
  32. On day 7-10 we will see nice micro greens.
  33. We start using them from day 10-12.
  34. Cut them and wash them at least 2-3 times in a big bowl of water and dry them in salad spinner.