Raw Beet root chutney

By:Dr.Sirisha Potluri:


Raw beetroot – 2 cups grated /shredded beets

Green chilies-6-8

Dates 3 pitted medjool dates

Garlic -3 cloves

2 Amla ( fresh or frozen) thaw frozen Amla for 10 minutes before using.

Vinegar-2 teaspoon

Lemon or lime juice- 2 teaspoon

Blend everything in the blender, you can blend it coarse or smooth and enjoy as relish,dip or spread!

It stays fresh in the refrigerator for 4-5 days

Ever noticed that your urine turns a bit pink after you eat beets? Though the color looks a little unnatural, it’s a completely harmless and temporary condition called beeturia. It’s a vivid reminder of an important fact: When you eat plant foods, many of the pigment phytonutrients that act as antioxidants in your body (such as lycopene and beta-carotene) are absorbed into the bloodstream and bathe your organs, tissues, and cells. In other words, beet pigments find their way into your urine because they are absorbed through the gut and then travel into the bloodstream, where they circulate throughout the body until eventually being filtered out by the kidneys. During this trip through the body, even your blood becomes a bit pinker too!

Beets also bind to carcinogenic bile acids and remove them from the body!( source- nutritionfacts.org)