Tag: Stirfry

Blog, Indian, Lunch/Dinner, Recipes

Oil free Okra stir fry

By:Dr.Sirisha Potluri: Who knew , Okra is an effective anti cancer vegetable. Because of it’s excellent ability to bind to bile acids and remove them from body , it’s perfect to prevent cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. A lot of vegetables like carrots ,eggplant , brussel sprouts also bind bile acids , but the […]

Blog, Indian, Lunch/Dinner, Recipes, Uncategorized

Okra Stir Fry (Oil-free)

By Dr. Sirisha Potluri Health Benefits: Okra is an effective anti-cancer vegetable. Because of its excellent ability to bind to bile acids and remove them from the body, it’s perfect to prevent cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. A lot of vegetables like carrots and eggplant also bind bile acids, but the top three are […]

Blog, Indian, Lunch/Dinner, Recipes

Amaranth greens Stir fry (oil free)

By Dr. Sirisha Potluri: Amaranth greens has 1140 µg amount of Vitamin K (phylloquinone) in 100 g of raw greens. VITAMIN K (phylloquinone)  Similarly to vitamin D, vitamin K can be acquired from non-food source. It can be produced by bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, this manufactured vitamin K is than easily absorbed by our body. […]